Traveling with Kids: From Chaos to Calm

by Bailey Bouwman

I used to travel to visit my parents almost monthly - it was a line item in our budget mostly for my mental health because staying at home alone was not working for me and I needed friends and family. This is from a post I shared on our Instagram. 

Traveling with kids can often seem like an insurmountable challenge - especially when they are young and cry a lot.

I'll include the caveat that my kids never *HATED THE CAR SEAT* like some kids do. We never used a bucket seat and did start life with convertible rear facing Clek. I sometimes wonder if that's why - just because the angle and position in convertibles can sometimes be better for infants, but truly hypothetical guess htere. 

If you've ever googled Prince George and travel with kids chances are you've found my mom blog because before I owned the shop, I was a mom blogger in Prince George and shared all sorts of adventures on my travel trips. Today, I share them again but here at my shop - a children's boutique serving Prince George and Canada.

Must-Haves for Daytime Travel with Kids

I include *daytime travel* because I know many parents in Northern BC prefer to leave early in the morning or drive through the night and rely on their kids sleeping most of the trip. I will not drive in the dark; or at least try to limit it as much as possible. So we are a leave around 8am and get into Chilliwack around 5-10pm (really can vary, now it takes me 8-9 hours with the 7&8 year old; but it hasn't always been so succinct) 

Audio Entertainment

Kids of all ages appreciate something to listen to, whether it’s engaging conversations, audiobooks, or music. My older kids now pack their Yoto Player with headphones, which keeps them happily entertained.


Snacking is a travel lifesaver. Pack a variety of age-appropriate snacks like crunchy carrots and the occasional chocolate treat. Remember to pull over for proper meals to keep everyone’s spirits high.

Bonus Tips: Make pit stops more exciting with local roadside food. Our favorites include french fries from the Sugar Shack in 70 Mile or a refreshing ice cream.


Frequent breaks to stretch and move around are crucial. Not only does it prevent restlessness, but it also allows you to explore and discover new playgrounds or local attractions. There are so many cool places to explore from here to Vancouver. 

Pro Tip: call and order a pizza when you’re about 20 minutes away from a town. Pick it up, find a nearby playground, and enjoy your meal while the kids burn off some energy. We do this when we are coming home around Quesnel & Williams Lake. Both have fantastic central playgrounds that are busy and great to explore. 

Less Tech, More Fidgets

Through many trips, I’ve learned that traveling without an iPad is a game-changer. Instead, focus on fidget toys and introduce new ones every few hours to keep the kids engaged without screen time.

A few of my favourite travel activities over the year include: duplo or lego, playdoh, hot wheels, animal figurines.

It’s Hard and Then It’s Not

Traveling with kids requires a balance of preparation, patience, and flexibility. With the right strategies, it transforms from a daunting task to an enjoyable adventure. Take it easy, stay caffeinated, and embrace the journey!

Do you have a road trip trick you swear by? Tell us below.

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