How to Donate Cloth Diapers in Northern BC (Prince George)
1 in 5 Canadian families will experience Diaper Need, and poverty in Prince George is a very real and lived experience. The most recent vitality reports from the Prince George Community Foundation suggest that 1 in 5 children live in poverty in our community. For many families, cloth diapers can be an incredible gift supporting diapering needs without needing to continue to purchase diapers.
Northern B.C. Cloth for a Cause
Cloth for a Cause is a Canadian group dedicated to supporting families access cloth diapers.
Founded in Prince George, BC the organization remains grass roots with different branches across Canada that are mostly run by passionate woman out of the bagk of their car.The Northern BC Cloth for a Cause was recently revived by Pearl and you can connect with her through Facebook. Pearl is an incredible woman with a passion for supporting families in their cloth diaper journey.
Today, Cloth for a Cause is supported by many women in Prince George and the surrounding area, and if you reach out you'll likely be connected with Zoe, a mom in Prince George.
Collecting donations from parents across Northern BC, but primarily in the Vanderhoof-Prince George region, Pearl builds boxes of cloth diapers for families. She’ll refurbish older diapers, and make sure everything is ready for you to go.
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