About Esembly

Esembly is a small business that launched in 2019, but their story actually began a decade earlier with the founding of Diaperkind, a diaper laundering service in Brooklyn. Their experience with Diaperkind gives Esembly unique advantage in the cloth diaper space because they bring over a decade worth of knowledge in working parents, laundry science, and creating products that will work. 

Esembly is run by a team of working mothers who are committed to making the world a better place. As a women-owned business, they prioritize sustainably grown, low-impact, high-quality ingredients and responsible manufacturing throughout their production process.

I had the privilege of interviewing Liz in 2020, following their product launch for the Cloth Diaper Podcast. You can listen to that episode here, and listen to benefits of cloth diapering, including the reduced environmental impact, cost savings, and improved health for babies. We also talked about her experience as small business owners and their commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices.